Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Desert Ridge Senior Prom and Pleasant Grove MORP

Well, as it turns out, April 25, 2015, was Tanner's last school dance, and Ty's first.  Crazy how that goes...
Tanner went with Quinnley Singleton, and Ty was asked by Bailey Stevenson.  I think they both had a great time.  How I love my handsome boys!!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Crazy April

On this calendar, there are dots under the days that I have something scheduled, whether it be an appointment or a baseball game, the month was crazy full of stuff.  What the dots don't show is that just because there is only one dot, it doesn't mean that there's only one appointment, etc., that has to be done.  In fact, almost every day had 2 or 3 things that needed to be done.  I sometimes wonder how I made it at all...