Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Uncelebrated. Unwanted. That's how I felt about my birthday this year. I'm sick of aging so I'm just going to stop...you know, just FYI. Treyson made sure I didn't forget it was my birthday though. Before we left the house for Ty's tournament in Goodyear, AZ, he gave me this sweet gift.
When we finally got home at about 7:30 p.m., Kevin and I went and got a slice of pizza and some wings, and then went home. What a day!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Christmas Gift Assembly
Today we spent the day cleaning and rearranging Trey and Tate's room to make room for our new PING PONG table!! The boys could hardly wait to play!
Friday, December 27, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Wussie Arizonians
After years of sitting through freezing cold winter baseball, we finally broke down and purchased a portable propane heater!
Ahhhhhh.....that's better!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
My Girls
Top Left to Right: Melissa, Rachel, Me, Jodi, Amie, Nikkel
Bottom Left to Right: Katie (Host), Sara, Juli, Kandyce
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
We got to tend this cutie while Megan and Steven went to a company party! She is so stinkin' cute and we all loved to be able to spend time with her!
Tate's team won their division of the BLD Winter League! They played really well and it was fun to watch them win again!!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Look Who's 17!!
This cute, fat baby turned 17 today!! I can't believe it.
And I don't like it.
But I love him and am so thankful he's my boy!
We went to Gecko Grill for his birthday dinner with G&G Hawkins. YUM!
Monday, November 25, 2013
It's 8:30 p.m. and I finally sat down for the first time today. I have been on a spruce it up-clean it up kick lately and today was no different. I love how my kitchen island turned out! I keep looking at it, and then I leave the room and come back in to admire it.
I know, that's pathetic.
I don't care.
I got my kitchen chairs done today. I love them so much better than the chunky ones I had.
After I finished them, I decided to tackle my front room. I want to get all of the red stuff OUT of my house! I'm so very, very sick of it, and am feeling the need to update.
Well, you may remember the lamp table that I threw in the garbage the other day...you can read about it HERE. I went to take some gargabe out yesterday, and it was just sitting there next to the trash can looking so sad. I took pity on the poor little table and decided to give it a 3rd chance. I still had Uncle B's tools, so I decided to cut a new top for it. A little primer and a fun paint called "Silver Fox", and I have a cute, new lamp table. I'm so glad I didn't sent it away in the garbage truck!
Then I remembered that I had some extra long curtain panels that I never used, as well as a curtain rod that I removed from above my kitchen sliding door...oh my goodness, that got my wheels turnin'! I threw them in the washer, got my ladder, and got to work. Bye bye RED and GREEN stuff...HELLO new living room!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Our Busy Weekend
It has been raining for days...very odd for our neck of the woods. My pool is full to the brim, and my lawn is flooded! I love it, though, because it makes it feel like fall.
Kevin had to go to work for a few hours, so I decided to tackle another project that I've been wanting to do: My Kitchen Island!
I borrowed some power tools from "Uncle B" and got to work.
I used the left over bead board from Treyson and Tate's room project, as well as the trim I used for their room and started cutting and trimming.
Kevin got home before I could finish and was surprised to find a mess in the kitchen....but he wanted me and the littles to go watch him play in his semi-final racquetball match, so I put everything aside and went to support my hubby.

He ended up taking 2nd in his division...pretty awesome if you ask me!
After his match we decided to stop and see a movie. Hunger Games: Catching Fire came out on Thursday, and we've all been patiently waiting to see it. It was AWESOME. Really super awesome. It was 2.5 hours long, but didn't feel like it at all. It was action packed and oh, so good!
After the movie we ended up at our friends, the Kirby's. We love them and are so sad that they are moving back to Utah. It's going to be a sad, sad day when they go...for all of us.
It was a fun day, but my project still wasn't finished.
So, Sunday afternoon I ended up finishing. I am really pleased with how it turned out. It really changes the look of my kitchen.
Half way done:
Friday, November 22, 2013
Today's Project
I took an extremely ugly chair that was covered in pet hair:
Gave it a little T.L.C. and a coat of primer:
Added some black paint, and covered the seat cushion in some really cute fabric, and TA-DA:
A super cute accent chair!!
I love how it turned out!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Throwing In The Towel
I love re-purposing furniture. It's a new found passion and I've had a blast doing it lately. However, today was a first for me. I actually had to throw in the towel on a project that I had great hopes for.
Meet the culprit:
It was going to get a new coat of Graphite Chalk Paint and go in my front room to hold my newly re-purposed lamp. (lamp project coming soon)
As I usually do, I grabbed my hose and wood cleaner and started to clean it up to get it ready for paint.
That's when it revealed it's true self...
COMPLETELY ROTTED WOOD under the top layer of wood.
Complete with black and green MOLD!!
At this point I decided to pop out the middle rotted section of the table and replace it with a piece of bead board. However, once I popped it out I discovered MORE MOLD and decided to throw in the towel.
I'm thankful that my Goodwill find only set me back $3.00.
Now, on to the next project!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Today Treyson decided to teach himself how to rollerblade. He went back and forth on the patio for a couple of hours, but by the time it got dark he had mastered it! Great job Trey!!
I also decided to try making cinnamon rolls...AGAIN. I don't know what it is about cinnamon rolls, but mine don't usually work. Today, however, they did! And they were DELICIOUS!!
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Saturday, November 2, 2013
I have been searching for bar stools for my counter FOR-EV-ER...
I found lots, but didn't want to pay the price for them.
As I was staring at my existing bar stools I had an epiphany. I could just re-purpose them!!
And the rest is history.
Friday, November 1, 2013
My Favorite Morning Visitors
Every morning, and occasionally throughout the day three hummingbirds eat from my feeder. This is a photo of a little guy I've named "Tiny". He (or she??) is adorable and incredibly small...hence "Tiny".
There is a bright turquois one, and one with a hot pink head, but I haven't named them. They just flutter in and flutter away without stopping. "Tiny" however comes and sits on the perch. He's so cute and he will just sit and watch me through the kitchen window as I do my dishes.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Every once in a while, the reality of my ultra-lame-momness rears its ugly head.
This year it happened to be on Halloween.
I took
and it wasn't even of my own children.
It was, however, a cute photo of my favorite redhead...
We had a fun day! We had the Kirby's and the Steck's over for dinner and Trick-or-Treating and I think everyone had a great time!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
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