Treyson, Tate, and I went on a road trip to Utah over the last few days of our annual Fall Break. Treyson needed some oral surgery, and as it turns out, it was about $1000 cheaper to have it done in Utah. We left early Friday morning (October 11th) and got to American Fork at about 4:30 p.m.
We stopped in St. George for gas and lunch, and I insisted that we have Taco Time...not sure the boys were too happy about that. I didn't care.
It was yummy!!
The best thing about this trip was that we were able to spend an evening and a day with G&G Hawkins. Boy! Have we missed spending time with them! We went to get pizza for dinner and got to catch up for a few hours. It made me happy!
The next day (Saturday, October 12th) we were able to attend my nephew's baptism. It was a great day! My brother did a great job with the baptism and confirmation, and I'm so glad we were able to be there! I got to play with my sweet niece, Anna, and got to hold baby Dallin. We had a yummy luncheon at Bryan and Rebecca's house afterward of soups, rolls, and homemade root beer. Great day!!

Treyson's surgery was Monday morning, but we had a little trouble getting there. The boys had been asking for Daylight Donuts, so I promised that we would go and buy a dozen to eat on our way home before we went to Treyson's appointment. On the way to Daylight Donuts, I narrowly avoided a head-on collision, but drove over the top of a cement median, blowing out the front left tire of the Mini, and causing all kinds of trouble with our tightly scheduled morning. What a mess!! Thankfully, Bonnie and Vaughn were able to help me out by coming to get us. I rushed over to Treyson's appointment in American Fork to find out that we were supposed to be in the PROVO OFFICE!!! I started to cry, but we got back in the car and headed to Provo. Luckily, the oral surgeon wasn't super busy that day, so they were able to work us in.

The nurses hooked him up to the laughing gas and IV, and he giggled until he finally passed out. He was a trooper and was HILARIOUS coming out of the anesthesia! He kept repeating "Is it over?" about a thousand times.
After the surgery we back to American Fork to drop off the car, but found that the only tire in THE ENTIRE STATE OF UTAH for our Mini was in Murray...about 30 minutes NORTH of American Fork. So, I got Treyson settled on the couch and headed up to Murray to get the tire. Once I got the tire, I had to go to Big O to have the tire put on the rim, and then back to American Fork to pick up Vaughn to take us to Pleasant Grove to get the car. When it was all said and done, we left Pleasant Grove at about 3:30 p.m. We made a quick stop in Cove Fort to see G&G Hawkins, then headed down the road towards Mesa. We all shed a few tears as we drove away from Cove Fort, but were also anxious to get home. We pulled into our driveway at around 1:30 a.m. It was probably one of the longest days of my life. No joke. But, I was happy to be home, and happy to have Treyson's surgery completed. I'm thankful that there was nothing more wrong with the car, that Trey's surgery went well, and that we were able to get home safely. The small miracles in my life, as of late, are piling up. I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who is always watching over me and my family. I am truly blessed.